
Fully rusty and worn old reclaimed corrugated panels of roofing and siding. Salvaged used metal with wide corrugated pattern. Various natural and beautiful aged conditions and recycled aspects such as nail holes, dents & tears.  All 30 x 30" sheets and sold here priced by the square foot. In stock for quick shipping. 

Add to cart now to see total price with cheap shipping rates. Orders over a few hundred square feet ship by freight truck.

$4.00 CAD

  • Not faux distressed metal. This product is true reclaimed and salvaged rusty corrugated metal.
  • Cheaper alternative to other paneling products and perfect size and application for wainscot or ceiling tiles.
  • Pricing on this product is more affordable on smaller quantities than some of our other listings which come in longer sheets.

  • All approximately 30" wide and 30" long. Depending on how one calculates the square footage each piece is about 5.833 or 6.25 square feet per sheet; when calculating the number of sheets to send we base our calculation on each sheet being 6 square feet. Price in this listing is priced per square foot; the total number of sheets you will receive is the quantity you order divided by 6. Note there are some minimum costs to ship this item so your average costs is lower as you order larger quantities.
  • All material here in this listing has corrugated pattern.
  • Random fully rusted sheets as shown in pictures and some have old flaking paint or coating in spots. Nail holes and dents, some have tears, some have bent edges where laps will not be perfect, many sheets missing corners with torn edges. The nature of this product is that it has natural character, is old, and so it is not perfect and in new condition. It is intended to be used for decorative purposes and not necessarily to be used for waterproof or structural applications.
  • Sheets may have loose rust, some grime, or roof coatings on them; they have not been cleaned or processed in any way.
  • Seller makes no warranty as to the exact yield and condition of material because all customer tastes are different. Seller has done no processing, cleaning, aging, cutting, or fabrication to actual material. Sheet metal sold in the as is condition from actual recycled source for decoration and design elements. Seller does not know previous use or history of material, but all material has similar source, matching sizes and pattern, fully rusted.

  • The quantity you enter is the number of square feet total that we ship.
  • What we sell and ship to you in square feet is not necessarily what your coverage is. Most likely you need to order extra material to yield the coverage that you want. Due to overlap and waste factor it is recommended to order a minimum of 20% extra, but you may want to order even more depending on your pattern or application.
  • Be sure to order extra for waste factor and overlap on the edges. We cannot tell you how much to order since installation patterns and personal preferences can change the yield. All that we guarantee is that we ship the quantity you order but not the yield on how you install it. It is cheaper to order extra material initially than to reorder at a higher price with a smaller quantity.
  • No special sort for color, size, or special shipping options included at this price. At this pricing structure shown in this product listing, it is at RLP's discretion to ship with any combination of sheets as described in this listing.
  • For every six square feet that you order you will receive one sheet of material that is approximately 30" x 30".
  • Shipping is based on terms found on our customer service page.
  • Installation, fasteners, trim, cleaning, sealer or other accessories not included.

  • No special sorting with this price.
  • No further cleaning or handling at this price.
  • Customer may ask before purchasing for sorting or shipping alternatives but this may alter pricing structure.

  • Sold as is with no warranty except that quantity ordered matches quantity shipped and description of merchandise matches this description.
  • Non-refundable and non-returnable.